91% of restaurants have some dish not cooked by them

Avui és el Dia Mundial de l'Hotaleria

91% of restaurants have some dish not cooked by them

Madrid October 10, 2023. From Barrancosfood.com, a company specialized in the preparation of fifth-range food for hospitality, we join together to celebrate World Hospitality Day, a special occasion to recognize and honor the importance of an industry that has been a fundamental pillar in people’s lives and the global economy.

Every second Tuesday of the month of October for the last 8 years, this day has been celebrated, which is why the date varies.

The hospitality industry, which includes restaurants, hotels, bars, cafes and many other establishments, plays an essential role in job creation, culture and gastronomy.

In 2022 in Spain there were 268,370 hospitality businesses, while in 2023 there are a total of 270,081 (0.6% more).

Hospitality managed by self-employed workers or SMEs make up 93% of the hospitality market. However, it should be said that organized catering (franchise group) has increased by more than 8% and will continue to grow.

Within the field of hospitality, food intended for customers is categorized according to its quality and processing ranges, ranging from fresh untreated products to foods subjected to sterilization or canned processes.

Given the high costs of raw materials and the economic situations suffered in recent years, hoteliers seek to save on costs as they can depending on their circumstances.

According to data from Barrancos Food, today, 91% of hospitality businesses have some dish on their menu that is not cooked by them, since chefs have to prepare many dishes and need time to do so.

It is understandable in many cases, since having a wide variety of dishes to satisfy the needs of customers is complicated for many hoteliers.

The quality of a homemade product can be maintained if the hotelier chooses first-class suppliers, everything is in his hands and what he can spend on.

Top most demanded fifth range dishes 2023

1. Croquettes

2. Breaded with chicken

3. Salads

4. Vegetables

5. Sauces

6. Pasta