A decade of gastronomic generosity

Desè Aniversari d'un sopar de Nadal per a tothom de Càritas i Fra Roger

A decade of gastronomic generosity

This year marked the tenth anniversary of a unique and significant initiative that Doro Biurrun started in 2013 and which became a reality at Christmas 2014. At that time, 175 menus were prepared and the following year Doro prepared 225 menus.

In 2015, the Fra Roger association, an entity dedicated to Menorcan culture and gastronomy, joined this adventure. Since then, chefs from Fra Roger have collaborated year after year with the creation of 350 Christmas menus.

From the beginning, we have also had the support of local suppliers who have collaborated by providing raw materials and management needs. Among them the San Crispin Cooperative, the Campo de Menorca Cooperative, Menage Menorca or Agroilla.

Another significant moment was born in 2022, after the opening of the Cáritas Ca n’Aguedet Restoration School, since this allows the way of cooking to be modified and all the chefs can do it together in the same space, here The M. Àngels Cardona Institute also joins in, which in the last two years has made the dessert menus with the center’s students.

This year we have also had the collaboration of Coca-Cola and its workers, who in addition to sponsoring 150 menus, have collaborated in the organization and distribution in a solidarity way.

Under the name “A Christmas Dinner for Everyone” this initiative has been growing, serving not only delicious dishes inspired by the traditional cuisine of our island, but also a touch of hope and solidarity to those who face challenges during these times.

3,200 menus served over these ten years, renowned chefs and young talents who have come together, showing generosity and passion for cooking, suppliers and catering companies that have made the creation of each dish possible. Cáritas volunteers and collaborators have been the architects of these Christmas dinners reaching every home in need and all of them have made a difference.