A way of making a village

Els comerciants de Ferreries són un exemple en aquest sentit

A way of making a village

The way in which Los Claveles has closed is one of the most beautiful ways in which a business with history and rooted in a town can do it. We had known about it for months and we knew what was going to happen. They have been warning customers and friends, they have been transparent and sincere from the start: "we are retiring, it's time, it's hard work and we don't see clearly the relay in the hands of other owners. Our success has been because we are a family, and because we have never looked at the clock."

A way of making a village

And they wanted to share the end of this era, of 72 years of history, with the whole town. Los Claveles has closed in the most dignified way a business can do: with a farewell party, thanking the people for their loyalty and receiving the praise of all Ferreries. It couldn't be done better!

And all this is because behind the business there is a family, there are some people who have dedicated themselves to it body and soul and have managed to leave their mark. This is the maximum value of local trade. Whether it is 100 years old or 6, what matters is that the people behind a business love what they do, respect their product and have a vocation for the people. The commercial network of a town is, in many cases, the backbone of social life. Let's take for example a person with an unsociable temperament, with a shy character and who finds it difficult to go to bars or social clubs. But this person needs food every day, needs to buy clothes, medicine or tools... this person's only socializing link with the town is through trade.

The traders and shopkeepers and shopkeepers of Ferreries are an example in this sense. From these pages we want to vindicate the role of the shopkeeper as a nexus of union between the neighbors and the town. The pages of Foodies on Menorca want to be a space to strengthen this link, because just as the Pons Allès family has done since Los Claveles, and just as they do from every Ferreries trade, our intention is also to create a village!