Bep Al·lès talks about ensaimadas to the students of Mare de Déu del Toro

Bep Al·lès talks about ensaimadas to the students of Mare de Déu del Toro

Last Friday, our editor and director, Bep Al·lès, spoke about the origins and the role that the ensaimadas of Sant Joan or coca bamba has in the festive gastronomy of Menorca.

He did it to the second-year students of the Ciutadella school, who have named their class "Son Ensaimada".

Bep Al·lès talks about ensaimadas to the students of Mare de Déu del Toro

Al·lès spoke about the differences between the ensaimadas of Menorca and Mallorca, also between the ensaimadas of Sant Joan and the coca bamba, in addition to the origins of the same, or when the cocas of Sant Joan changed their shape from half an orange to the current coiled shape, the result of the Mallorcan influence of Josepa Rossinyol at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Ràdio Far Menorca
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