Bolets de Menorca, best rural entrepreneurship project in Spain

Bolets de Menorca, best rural entrepreneurship project in Spain

Yesterday in Madrid the last challenge of the Caixabank Terra d'Oportunitats rural entrepreneurship competition was held. The participants, who came from the winning projects of the different Rural Entrepreneurship calls held in 2024 by the Local Action Groups of Spain, 122 in total, participated since last September in a training challenge where they had to carry out tests related to giving visibility to their business plan and territory.

Finally, the jury selected the 20 best projects, which yesterday in Madrid, competed to be the best rural entrepreneurship project in Spain.

Bolets de Menorca obtained the best score of all the projects, and apart from a well-deserved recognition for all the work done, it was awarded 5,000 euros.

Congratulations to Bolets de Menorca for this feat and for bringing the excellence of rural entrepreneurship in Menorca to a national level.

We also congratulate Cosmética Natural Carolina Carreras, which despite not being among the top 20 positions, played a very good role in this competition, showing that in Menorca there are people with great talent and a rural and entrepreneurial vocation. We also congratulate the two projects from Mallorca; Llanatura and Formatges Tramuntana, which were also awarded during the day.

The Leader Illa de Menorca Association will soon launch the new call for Emprèn en Rural 2025. We encourage all rural entrepreneurs on the island to apply to this call, and as Bolets de Menorca has done, it can demonstrate that in Menorca there are rural entrepreneurship projects that can compete at a national level.