Coca with sofrito

Coca with sofrito

Ingredients for the paste: Half a kilo of flour, 150 g of water, 175 g of olive oil, a 25 g portion of baker's yeast and salt.

Ingredients for the sofrito: 1 large white onion, 2 tomatoes, 2 green peppers, 2 red peppers, 6 cloves of garlic, paprika, olive oil and salt.

Preparation: To make the coca paste, put the flour in a bowl with the water and olive oil and mix until you get a fine paste. Once it is ready, make a ball with it and with the rolling pin and on a baking sheet, give it the shape of a coca. It should be very thin.

Cut the vegetables into small cubes and put them in a bowl and mix them.

Drizzle with olive oil, salt and sprinkle with paprika, not too much, over the entire surface of the coca.

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