Cook with local products

Arròs amb conill i escamarlans. Foto: Bep Al·lès© Arròs amb conill i escamarlans. Foto: Bep Al·lès©

Local cuisine must be made with local products so that it has all its flavor and essence, so that it is faithful to its roots, and that is why it is advisable to recover the habit of our grandmothers and mothers of going to the market, of buying in the small grocery stores that still remain and where we will find fruits, vegetables, cheeses, sausages, honey, oil... from Menorca, or those supermarkets run by local entrepreneurs, who also support small producers. .

We must teach our cuisine and the importance of it being made with local products and, not only for its unique flavors, but because in this way we support the primary sector, the peasantry and fishermen, the gardeners, the teachers. stuffers, honey collectors and many others who move the wheels of our circular and local economy.

Maybe it's time to call on institutions to get something that seems very easy, but that currently does not exist in many bars and restaurants. Achieve within two years that 15% of the dishes on your menus or daily menus are Menorcan cuisine, and within 5 years this percentage has risen to at least 25%. We will get it? To be honest, we believe that it should be much more, but if we manage to ensure that 1 in every 4 dishes is Menorcan cuisine, we will have already taken a small, big step forward.

Personally, I believe that if there is a will on the part of the Consell, that there is a will on the part of the restaurateur associations, that there is a will on the part of the hotel industry, it will be possible.

There are entities like Fra Roger that are fighting to achieve this commitment between restaurateurs and producers, it is very true, and that little by little steps are being taken so that there is this necessary symbiosis and that will be seen, even more, this weekend in an interesting meeting in Son Vell with hoteliers, to analyze this more than necessary commitment.

It is everyone's job, and all of us together, because if not, years will pass and we will still continue talking about the same debate, a debate that already began in the 80s, and for the moment we are satisfied with what that song by the Ja says. T'Ho Diré, with his "everything is fine like this."

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