Corvina ceviche at Hotel Bahia

Corvina ceviche at Hotel Bahia

The restaurant at the Hotel Bahia, on Santandria beach, is one of those places that must be visited on summer nights to enjoy its terrace and its international cuisine with dishes such as ceviche de corvina, masterfully cooked by the Peruvian cook who it's summer

A well-prepared dish, without predominance of cilantro, balanced and integrated flavors, as well as freshness that is appreciated on summer nights.

Ideal restaurant to enjoy its terrace overlooking Santandria and from where you can see some of the most attractive sunsets in Menorca.

Carrer dels Suissos, 2
Platja de Santandria
Ciutadella de Menorca
Reserves: + 34 971 38 26 44

Open every day from 12.00 to 22.30 hours
Reserve a table on the terrace

  • Publicitat
    El Iris