"Environment: Balance between agriculture and nature", a new program of outings from the Ajuntament des Mercadal

Foodies on MenorcaFoodies on Menorca
"Environment: Balance between agriculture and nature", a new program of outings from the Ajuntament des Mercadal
  • "Environment: Balance between agriculture and nature", a new program of outings from the Ajuntament des Mercadal
  • "Environment: Balance between agriculture and nature", a new program of outings from the Ajuntament des Mercadal

The Ajuntament des Mercadal starts this October the new program of outings "Environment: Balance between agriculture and nature". With this program and campaign, the City Council wants to bring to the population the jobs of the countryside and the places of the municipality, their local products, the preservation of the countryside and the balance with nature and the rural landscape.

The program has a total of 7 outings, spread between the months of October and March, in which we will visit 7 places in the municipality:

October 26: Lluriach Vell
November 11: Bodegas Menorquinas
November: Santa Margalida (date to be specified according to the flowering of the saffron)
January: Biniserralla
February 8: Sa Cavalleria
February 22: Binisserrallet
March 29: Binillobet

In each of these outings we will get to know another part of Menorca's countryside, the production they have and the nature that surrounds it. They will last around 3 hours, and the starting point will be in one of the car parks in the village of Mercadal. There will also be a tasting of the local products that each place produces.

We invite everyone to participate in the outings, which will be open to all audiences. Everyone can sign up via e-mail, or directly at the Town Hall or the Local Social de Fornells. There will be a maximum number of places so that they can follow each other well and that everyone can hear the explanations well. Depending on the excursion, the number of visitors can vary, which will range from 20 to 25 people.

Information and registration:
