Japanese Natto: A superfood that challenges cardiovascular diseases

Japanese Natto: A superfood that challenges cardiovascular diseases

Eva Remolina/AMIC – Natto is a fermented food originating in Japan, specifically made from soybeans. Fermentation occurs with the help of a bacteria called Bacillus subtilis natto, which converts soy proteins into amino acids and other beneficial compounds during the process.

The preparation of Natto is an artisanal process that involves cooking soybeans and fermentation with the aforementioned bacteria. The end result is a food with a strong flavor and a viscous texture. Traditionally, it is served with rice, miso soup, or other Japanese dishes.

Nutritional properties of Natto

Natto in a plate set against a wooden background is lifted with chopsticks

Natto is rich in essential nutrients that offer a number of benefits for cardiovascular health. Some of the notable nutritional properties include:

Vitamin K2: Natto is an exceptionally good source of vitamin K2, crucial for calcium metabolism and helping to prevent arterial calcification.

Fiber: It is a significant source of fiber, which helps maintain balanced blood cholesterol levels and improves the health of the cardiovascular system.

Proteins: Provides quality proteins, valuable for maintaining muscle mass and general health.

Beneficial Enzymes: Fermentation of Natto produces beneficial enzymes that improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

How to incorporate Natto into your diet

Despite its peculiar flavor and slimy texture, Natto can be incorporated into the diet in various ways. It can be eaten with rice, added to salads or even used as an ingredient in cooked dishes. Some people prefer to mix it with sauces or seasonings to improve its flavor according to their personal preferences.

In conclusion, Natto is more than just a Japanese delicacy; It is a superfood that provides unique nutritional properties and proven benefits, so it can be an interesting product to add to the diet for those looking to maintain a healthy heart naturally.

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    El Iris