Lobster with onions

Lobster with onions. Cafè Balear. Foto Bep Al·lès© Lobster with onions. Cafè Balear. Foto Bep Al·lès©

Ingredients: two kilos of lobster, two kilos of onions, 4 cloves of garlic, parsley, 1 glass of quality dry white wine, black pepper, water, olive oil and salt.

Preparation: Cut the lobsters following the instructions in previous recipes, saving the juices, the spleen and the corals.

Then we will cut the onions into julienne strips and we will soak them for a quarter of an hour and we will let them drain in a strainer.

Meanwhile, in a clay pot we put three tablespoons of olive oil and we fry the garlic until it takes color. We remove them and add the lobster and when the meat is white like cotton we take them out and set them aside.

We will not use the heads anymore and we can save them to give flavor to a rice or stew.

We make a picada with the roe, the spleen and a little garlic and parsley. We add it to the casserole, let it confit for a couple of minutes and then we will fry the onion and when it starts to take color we lower the heat, and we stir from time to time watching that the onion does not burn.

We let it sweat and then little by little we add the wine as we see that it is drinking it and the onion is melting. It will have reduced by more than half.

When we have finished the wine we add glasses of water little by little until we get a fine sauce, being careful that it does not burn or stick, so we must stir.

We season the sauce, and add the legs and necks of the lobster and the juices that it has released. We stir it so that they confit in the sauce and we leave it on the heat, about ten minutes, stirring constantly and being careful that the lobster meat does not come out of the slices that we call necks.

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