Loin with apples


1.5 kilos of pork loin in one piece, 2 Alaior green apples per person, lard, sugar, cognac, salt and black pepper.


In a clay pot, put two tablespoons of lard and when it is hot, put the piece of loin in it. First, brown both ends, then brown it on both sides until it takes on a good color and the piece is sealed. Let it rest in the pot with the heat on low.

Meanwhile, turn on the oven and peel the apples, remove the core and place them in the pot, surrounding the piece of loin. On top of each apple, put a tablespoon of sugar and another of cognac. Also pour cognac over the meat and turn up the heat a little and let the alcohol evaporate.

We will put it in the oven -which will already be hot- at 160 degrees until the apples are cooked, between 45 and 60 minutes.


This dish must be made over low heat, since if it was made over high heat the apples would fall apart and the meat would become tough. When the apples are cooked, the meat is too.

(Recipe from my mother, Laura Salvà)

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