Menorcan gastronomy and new cuisine as differentiating elements

Baked squid with sweet potato. Restaurant Es Garbell. Photo: Bep Al·lès© Baked squid with sweet potato. Restaurant Es Garbell. Photo: Bep Al·lès©

Last Saturday, Fra Roger Gastronomy and Culture organized a meeting between people related to the world of tourism and gastronomy to draft the Son Vell Declaration, with the aim of creating solid foundations that indicate the path to follow in the necessary relationships and cooperation between the tourism and restaurant sectors, with farmers, fishermen and local producers.

The objectives: to move the gears of our circular economy, on the one hand, and, on the other, to offer those who visit us a unique product that at the same time makes us different from other tourist destinations through gastronomy, which is without a doubt the complement ideal for the natural, historical and cultural values that Menorca has, with its declarations of Biosphere Reserve, Intangible Heritage of Humanity and European Gastronomy Region in 2022.

Our local cuisine, the cuisine of roots, that of traditional recipe books must be the differentiating basis of Menorca as a gastronomic destination worldwide, and this local cuisine, as we recently pointed out, must be prepared with products from the island, and in this way We will offer the visitor a unique quality product.

The traditional recipe book must reach the menus of hotels and restaurants. The dishes can be served in the purest way, as Menorcan cuisine, and also as new Menorcan cuisine, which is nothing other than creating a signature cuisine dish from a traditional recipe, but without losing the roots that mark us. the recipe book.

We have one of the richest cuisines in the Mediterranean, a unique gastronomy that should come out of cookbooks and homemade recipes, a cuisine that should be part of our gastronomic offer, and that is why the symbiosis between the primary and tertiary is more than necessary.

This necessary symbiosis is the main part, not the only one, of the philosophy of the Son Vell Declaration, which should not remain a dead letter, and should begin to take steps towards the declaration of Menorca as a World Region of Gastronomy in 2030.

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    El Iris