Menorcan lamb breast stew

Un plat antic que va evolucionar amb els ingredients del nou món

Menorcan lamb breast stew
Panadera de coll de be. Foto: Bep Al·lès©

Today we offer a dish from ancient Menorcan cuisine, which little by little evolved with the incorporation of potatoes and the original elimination of bread, which gave its name to this type of stew.

Ingredients: 1/2 kilo of lamb meat (breast and neck), 2 carrots, 1 onion and a leek cut into slices, 100 g of green beans, 100 g of snow peas, 100 g of shelled young broad beans, 1 bay leaf , half a kilo of potatoes cut into edges, half a dozen cloves of garlic, 4 bunch tomatoes without skin or seeds, marjoram, a glass of white wine, a glass of cognac, sweet paprika, black pepper, olive oil and salt.

Preparation: In a clay pot or a cast iron cauldron we will fry the meat, seasoned with salt and pepper, with olive oil, bay leaf and garlic. When it takes color, we add the small glass of cognac – we let it evaporate for a couple of minutes – and then we add the ingredients for the sauce (onions, leeks and tomatoes) and let them marinate with the meat and then add – the spices and herbs (pepper black and marjoram or thyme), potatoes cut into edges, carrots in slices, young shelled beans, peas and snow peas.

We leave it for five minutes over moderate heat and stir so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pot. We add the white wine and finish covering the meat with hot water. Taste for salt and correct if necessary. We leave it on sweet heat for three quarters of an hour with the pot covered and we will stir from time to time so that it does not stick.

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