Preservation of fruits: Fridge or outside?

Preservation of fruits: Fridge or outside?

Eva Remolina/AMIC - The preservation of fruit is a key aspect to maintain its freshness, flavor and nutritional properties. Although many people think that all fruits should be put in the refrigerator, this is not always the case. Depending on the fruit, its ideal storage temperature may vary. Next, we will detail which fruits are best kept in the refrigerator and which should be kept out of it for better preservation.

Fruits that should be kept in the fridge:

Some fruits ripen quickly or spoil at room temperature. These are best kept cold to extend their useful life.

Red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries): These fruits are delicate and spoil easily. The fridge will keep them fresh for a few more days.

Grapes: Kept in the refrigerator, grapes can stay fresh and crisp for up to a week.

Cherries: Like red fruits, they are perishable and benefit from the cold to stay in good condition.

Watermelon and melon (once cut): When cut, these fruits should be kept in the refrigerator to prevent them from losing freshness and nutritional qualities.

Peaches and plums (ripe): If they are already ripe, they should be kept in the refrigerator to prevent them from ripening too quickly.

Apples and pears (if you want to prolong the preservation): If you want to keep them for a long time, it is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator. However, they can also be at room temperature for a few days.

Fruits that should be kept outside the fridge:

Some fruits need to be at room temperature to ripen properly and develop their full flavor. Putting them in the fridge too soon can alter their texture or stop their ripening.

Bananas: Refrigeration can cause the skin of bananas to turn dark. It's best to leave them out until they're ripe, and if you want to keep them longer, you can refrigerate them once they're ripe, although the skin will darken.

Tropical fruits (mangoes, pineapples, papayas): These fruits should be kept at room temperature until they ripen. Then, if they are not consumed immediately, they can be stored in the refrigerator.

Peaches, nectarines and plums (unripe): It is best to leave them out until they are ripe. Refrigeration can stop ripening and make them lose flavor and sweetness.

Avocados: Avocados should ripen at room temperature. Once they are ripe, if they are not consumed, they can be put in the refrigerator to delay their decomposition.

Tomatoes: Despite being usually considered a vegetable, tomatoes are fruits. They should be kept out of the fridge to retain their flavor and texture. In the fridge, they lose their juiciness.

Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes): Citrus fruits can keep well outside the refrigerator for a few weeks. If you want to keep them for a longer time, you can put them in the fridge.

Additional tips:

Avoid contact between fruits and vegetables: Some fruits, such as apples and bananas, emit ethylene, a gas that accelerates the ripening of other fruits and vegetables. It is important to keep them separate to prevent other products from spoiling quickly.

Do not wash the fruits until they are consumed: Washing can increase the humidity and therefore the risk of mold. It is better to wash them just before consuming them.

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