Rabbit cannelloni with peppers

Joan Salord Roca, Pinzell Restaurant

Rabbit cannelloni with peppers


1 rabbit, chopped
1 green pepper
1 onion
1 pear tomato
2 red peppers
1 l milk
70 g flour
70 g butter
Cannelloni pasta
150 g tomato sauce


This recipe is nothing more than the traditional macaroni with rabbit that we make in Menorca, but with some variations to be able to make cannelloni.

We will fry the rabbit with the green pepper, onion and tomato. We will cover with water and let it boil until the rabbit is cooked. We will strain and save the rabbit. The resulting broth is what we would traditionally make macaroni with, but in our case what we do is let it reduce over low heat until we get a thick sauce.

We will roast the red peppers in the oven for about 30-40 minutes, turning them from time to time so that they do not burn. We will peel the peppers and chop them with a knife very small.

We will skin the rabbit and also chop it with a knife into very small pieces and mix with the pepper. We will taste how it is salted and rectify if necessary. We will mix the rabbit and pepper with the tomato sauce.

We will hydrate the cannelloni pasta with cold water for 1 hour and we will stretch it on a piece of kitchen paper and we will make the cannelloni with the rabbit and pepper farce that we have prepared before.

We will melt the butter on the fire and add the flour, we will let it cook without stopping stirring for about 3 minutes. We will add the milk and stir until it thickens to make a béchamel.

We will heat the cannelloni in the oven for about 6-8 minutes.

We will put the béchamel sauce on the plate, on top of the cannelloni and finish by bathing it with the very hot broth sauce that we made at the beginning.

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