Rice with mushrooms and chestnuts

Rice with mushrooms and chestnuts

Ana Marquès Hidalgo/Ferreries - In this recipe, you can use any type of mushroom, better if they are in season, and you can also use other vegetables that you like, such as artichokes or even pumpkin.


For four people
1 pork fillet
350 g of mushrooms
2 garlic cloves
2 onions
3 tomatoes
400 g of bomba rice
200 ml of white wine
Fresh thyme
A lot of black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
1.5 l (approx.) of meat stock


Clean the mushrooms, cut the pork fillet into cubes, peel the chestnuts and chop the garlic cloves.

Heat a little oil in a pan suitable for putting in the oven, and sauté the mushrooms until they lose their water. Season with salt and pepper. Brown the fillet in the same oil, season with salt and remove.

Make a stir-fry with garlic cloves, onion and tomato. When it is well fried, add the fillet, the mushrooms, and also the chestnuts and the rice, stirring well, and pour in the wine. When the alcohol evaporates, cover with stock or water, salt, bring to a boil, lower the heat and let it cook for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180°C. Finish cooking the rice in the oven on a rack, removing the pan or transferring the contents of the pan to a suitable container, preferably made of clay or cast iron. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the rice is dry to taste.

Decorate with a little thyme.

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