2 pieces of chicken
2 chicken breasts and wings
1 piece of beef morcillo
Pig's trotter
Beef bone
Backbone bacon bone
White sausage
Black sausage
1 package of herbs
2 handfuls of chickpeas
2 potatoes
1 liter of broth
8 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
1/2 l of broth
5 eggs
150 g of beef
150 g of pork
1 egg
1 slice of bread soaked in milk
Beat the eggs. Add the broth. Bake in a bain-marie for 45 minutes.
The meatballs should be mini (very small).
With a little broth, boil the meatballs. Once boiled, add more broth, also add the breadcrumbs and, finally, cut the custard and add it to the soup.