Sergio Villalonga and his history with cooking

Sergio Villalonga wins the 'chef of the year' award from the Association of Journalists and Gastronomic Writers of the Balearic Islands (APEGIB)

Sergio Villalonga and his history with cooking

Miriam Triay / Ciutadella – Almost a decade at the head of the kitchen of one of the best-known groups in the Ciutadella municipality, the Café Balear group, working in restaurants such as Roma, or Café Balear -where he is currently-; Sergio Villalonga has been chosen 'chef of the year' by the Association of Journalists and Gastronomic Writers of the Balearic Islands. A professional who, although he has been in the hotel sector for three decades, has not been in front of the stove for so long. He says about fifteen years, perhaps less. He discovered that cooking was his passion, and he took the plunge, as we say.

Because of his career, and everything he has achieved in a very short time, we at Foodies donde Menorca wanted to talk to him, the chef of the year on our island.

How do you feel after receiving this award?
Very proud. And satisfied to see that my constant work is valued. Whether you like it or not, there is a lot of work done behind it. Always looking meticulously, betting on local products, and trying to improve. I am a person who wakes up every day wanting to take a step further. I don't settle, I don't conform. It is one of the things that keeps me alive.

In summer I may not be able to dedicate as much time to creating, because the stoves at Café Balear call me, although many times it is my team who really make them work, since I have a lot of tasks in addition to being the head chef. But in winter, when we don't have as much work, I do take advantage of it to come up with new dishes, create new ideas. I always want to get out of the so-called comfort zone. I like classic cuisine, with Menorcan roots, but also applying modern touches. Making dishes stand out from what has already been seen and done.

In this sense, how would you define your cuisine?
My cuisine, that of Café Balear, which is what I have been working on in recent years, is quite classic. It comes from the roots of a seafaring cuisine. With untouchable dishes that are always there, such as stews, lobster with onions… But then we also have signature dishes, which I can modify or experiment with every year. I like to start with a classic cuisine base, and try to take it out of its comfort zone a little, to give it a twist. To make it in a different way, so that it is more attractive as well. Both for the client and for the cooks. I am a person who needs to do things and change, always on the move, in that sense.

Being such a restless person, do you have any future projects that you would like to highlight?
Well right now I have in mind to make a book of my own recipes. Of dishes that have been part of the menu or suggestions of Café Balear. I have them all written down on technical sheets, to have in the restaurant, for the kitchen team, or in case the health authorities or whatever come, so that they can easily see the ingredients used, and how to make each dish. And I have many already made. I would really like to be able to write them down, and publish them in a book, so that people can try to make them at home. The idea now is to make them available to everyone. Without too many pretensions, or wanting to make a big project, just a little recipe book that people can buy. I'm really looking forward to it.

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