Smash burgers, fried chicken and Indian food, Spaniards’ favorites to order at home

S'estima que el percentatge de vendes que representa l'enviament de menjar a domicili per als restaurants pugi un 56% el 2024

Smash burgers, fried chicken and Indian food, Spaniards’ favorites to order at home

The delivery sector does not stop growing in Spain. Thus, 22% of restaurant sales were take-out or delivery orders, according to data from the consulting firm KPMG.

Although local consumption (both in the dining room and on the terrace) continues to be preferred by Spaniards, the 10 percentage point decrease in this since before the pandemic indicates a change in the way society as a whole consumes. In this sense, in 2023, 13% of sales are represented by takeaway and 9% by delivery, increasing by 8% and 2% respectively if we compare it with the 2019 data.

In terms of forecasts, 36% of companies in the sector estimate that delivery will continue to grow in the coming years. In this way, it is expected that in 2024 delivery sales will represent 14 out of every 100 orders, 56% more than today, which would cause take away to drop to 11%.

Regarding the type of products that restaurants sell the most through delivery according to Clone, the leading European foodtech, smash burgers, fried chicken and Indian food stand out, all with an average ticket that ranges from €20 to €20. €25.

“There is a significant opportunity for restaurants to adapt to changing consumer needs and increase their reach and profitability by offering delivery options. Restaurants that do not offer this service may be losing potential customers and limiting their ability to compete in an increasingly competitive market,” states Clément Benoit, CEO of Clone.

This data is especially worrying if we take into account that 53% of the meals served worldwide are not consumed on the premises, according to a Kantar report. For this reason, restaurants are looking for new formulas to offer a quality product, also at home, focusing on the search for new packaging, recipes, menus, prices and promotions to keep the service alive and generate more sales.

The solution arrives in Spain that could bring up to €20,000 per month extra to restaurants

Starting from this premise, Clone announced its arrival in Spain last month with its proposal, offering an “all-in-one” solution, with which restaurants will be able to increase their sales through already created and established brands focused on delivery, thus taking advantage of all kitchen resources and equipment available.

With this solution, restaurateurs could increase their turnover up to €20,000 per month extra, delegating all marketing, promotions and management of the virtual brand to Clone, which would be in charge of giving it visibility through promotions and communication on social networks.

“Thanks to Clone, restaurateurs will be able to make the most of all the resources available in their kitchen and equipment, while we take care of the rest. We are sure that this solution will be a great help for Spanish restaurants looking to expand their reach and increase their profitability,” says Benoit.

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