The All Saints' Day celebration in Menorca

The All Saints' Day celebration in Menorca

Like all celebrations, the All Saints' Day celebration also has its own gastronomy, and not only on our island but all over the world. Now the American influence is increasingly imposing on us the “Halloween” with its sweets, cookies and cakes around the pumpkin, which can make some of the dishes or meals typical of this celebration disappear in Menorca.

Nowadays the gastronomy of All Saints' Day is practically limited to fritters and panellets, but as we will see in Menorca there was much more gastronomic wealth to celebrate that day.

The popular saying goes "For All Saints' Day, blueberries and acorns, chanterelles and mushrooms” or “For All Saints' Day, strawberry trees and acorns, ripe mastic and mushrooms”, therefore indicates that it is time to go and gather these wild fruits, of which today we are practically only going to look for mushrooms and chanterelles, as well as thistle mushrooms and, a little bit of strawberry trees. Blueberries are almost non-existent any more and we can see acorns on the ground, in the holm oak groves, with hardly any more use than being food for the pigs, just as the custom of going to gather strawberry trees has been lost and pomegranates also no longer have the importance they had in times past.

    Ràdio Far Menorca
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    El Iris