The Association of Cheese Manufacturers and Curers of Menorca achieves improvements for farmers in the PROVILAC Plan

L'Associació va lluitar per aconseguir un tracte igualitari per als productors

The Association of Cheese Manufacturers and Curers of Menorca achieves improvements for farmers in the PROVILAC Plan

This Thursday, February 15, the Association of Cheese Manufacturers and Curers of Menorca attended the signing of the third edition of the Provilac Plan, which took place at the Consell Insular de Menorca.

It should be noted that, thanks to the request for modification through the presentation of an alternative proposal, the Association of Cheese Manufacturers and Curers of Menorca has achieved that all farmers can access the same aid sections, of which the farmers are the sole beneficiaries.

In the initial wording of Provilac III, a discrimination was established that we at the Association consider unfair, since depending on which processing company the livestock farmer supplied, he would be entitled or not to an additional tranche of aid consisting of 0.020.-€/ liter of milk.

Although AGRAME, one of the three Agricultural Producer Organizations that signed the agreement (in addition to the Regulatory Council of the D.O.P. Mahón-Menorca Cheese, the Union of Cooperatives of the Balearic Islands, the Balearic Frisian Association as well as the Balearic Government and the Consell Insular de Menorca) denounced this discrimination against farmers by proposing another wording, there was no necessary support from the rest of the agents, so the Association of Cheese Manufacturers and Curers of Menorca agreed to prepare a proposal that was finally accepted and incorporated into the text.

Thus, thanks to this action and with the commitment of the dairy industry, all livestock farmers in Menorca will have the same right to access the aid established in said Plan, potentially reaching an amount of €0.07 per liter of declared milk.

  • Publicitat
    El Iris