The assortment of "sushi" from the Asian Dao

The assortment of "sushi" from the Asian Dao

More and more of us are declaring ourselves "sushi lovers" and we like to enjoy a good assortment of sushi like the one prepared for you at the Asian restaurant Dao, a few steps from Plaça des Peix in Ciutadella.

Their sushi man is an expert in cutting fresh fish and also in making both fresh and seasoned rolls, which are a true delight.

We ordered the assortment of 24 pieces, which are served at the table in the typical wooden boat.

What needs improvement, like many of the Asian restaurants on our island, is its wine list, which in addition to being too short lacks quality wines.

Carrer d'Alaior, 4
Citadel of Menorca
Telephone Reservations and orders: 604 90 74 06

Monday closed
Tuesday from 12:00–16:00 and from 19:30–23:30
Wednesday from 12:00–16:00 and from 19:30–23:30
Thursday from 12:00–16:00 and from 19:30–23:30
Friday from 12:00–16:00 and from 19:30–23:30
Saturday from 12:00–16:00 and from 19:30–23:30
Sunday from 12:00–16:00 and from 19:30–23:30

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