The Department of Education promotes the creation of a work space to achieve healthier children's menus

The regional secretary, Mateu Suñer, together with those responsible for Agriculture and Health, has met with Alimentant el Futur and the College of Dietitians and Nutritionists

The Department of Education promotes the creation of a work space to achieve healthier children's menus

Today it has been agreed that regular meetings will be held every three months and the next one is already scheduled for the first half of May

Today the first work meeting was held between the Department of Education and Universities; the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment; the Department of Health, the Alimentant el Futur network and the Official College of Dietitians and Nutritionists of the Balearic Islands (CODNIB) with the aim of studying measures to achieve healthier children's menus in the educational centres of the Balearic Islands.

At this meeting were present, on behalf of the Government, the regional secretary for Educational Development, Mateu Suñer; The Director General of Agri-Food Quality and Local Product, Joan Llabrés, and the Director General of Public Health, Antonia Elena Esteban; as representatives of the Alimentant el Futur network, MariaLaura Dolfí, from the Association of Organic Agricultural Production of Mallorca (APAEMA); Núria Llabrés, from Food Justice; Margalida Mulet, from the Centre for Rural Studies of International Agriculture (CERAI); Miquel Àngel Guerrero and Isabel Escartín, from FAPA Mallorca, and Manuel Moñino, president of the Official College of Dietitians and Nutritionists of the Balearic Islands (CODNIB) participated.

The purpose of this work space is to debate and agree on measures to introduce improvements in the menus given to school canteens in educational centres, prioritising local and organic products. From now on, this work group will meet every three months and the next meeting is scheduled for the first half of May.

Some proposals are already planned to be included in the next tender for school canteens, but the vast majority of changes will be made during the 2025-2026 school year.