The medicinal virtues of lemon

The medicinal virtues of lemon

Lemon is one of the fruits with the most medicinal virtues, among them it is an appetite suppressant, so it will be good for those who want to diet and lose the kilos gained in the summer. In addition, it stabilizes the level of sugar in the blood.

If we are those who eat quickly, with anxiety, if we drink a little lemon juice mixed with water before each meal, we will notice an improvement, in addition it will act as a digestive.

It is also highly recommended to drink a little water with lemon juice on an empty stomach that will benefit your liver by activating the secretion of bile and have better digestion throughout the day.

Another of the numerous virtues of lemons is that they stimulate renal activity and the diuretic system, being very favorable for eliminating fluids and burning cellulite.

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    El Iris