The medieval garden, the musical calm

Tots els dimecres fosquet de juliol, agost i setembre Lithica ofereix Quietud musical amb la interpretació de Joan Mercadal, Eva Febrer i Elena Armenteros

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The medieval garden, the musical calm

Every dark Wednesday in July, August and September, Lithica offers Musical Quiet with the interpretation of Joan Mercadal, Eva Febrer and Elena Armenteros

Quietud Musical is an offer proposed by the Fosquets de Lithica summer festival, within the framework of Les Pedreres de s’Hostal. The stage in question is the Medieval Garden of this Petri enclosure where short performances of approximately half an hour are presented. Once again the organization has included this musical space that invites calm and relaxation and that is getting more and more well received every year. It is a kind of retreat where you can alternate the hot summer dynamics and close the day in a fresh and leisurely way with the musical hand of three artists of contrasting quality. Lithica’s offer aims, therefore, so that every Wednesday Menorcans and visitors can opt for a relaxed musical performance. It is for those who want to go directly to the session, or also for those people who, during their visit to Les Pedreres, after the route, end with a comforting session of music.

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