The PDO of Queso Mahón-Menorca commercializes during 2023 more than 2.5 tons, the second largest figure in its history

The Balearic Islands account for 71% of total sales

The PDO of Queso Mahón-Menorca commercializes during 2023 more than 2.5 tons, the second largest figure in its history

This Thursday, May 16, the minister of Economy and General Services of Menorca, Maria Antònia Taltavull, and the president of the Denomination of Origin Queso Mahón-Menorca, Joan Bosco Triay, together with the DOP manager, Piedad López , have presented the production and commercialization data of the product for the year 2023 and have taken stock of the current situation.

In total, 98 farms are currently registered in the Mahón-Menorca Denomination of Origin Regulatory Council, with a milk production during 2023 of 38.2 million liters, of which 31.5 are used to make cheese with PDO seal. 5,600 cows and 115 sheep are registered.

"From the public administration we continue to support this sector which, despite the difficulties that the field endures and the extra effort that our cheesemakers have to carry out, continues to enhance the excellence of this Mahón-Menorca cheese , not only at the local or insular level, but also internationally", explained the minister.

On the other hand, the 50 registered cheese factories (44 of them are artisans) produced a total of 3,703,132 kilos of Mahón-Menorca cheese, of which 2,560,489 were sold, 1.75% more than in 2022 and the second highest figure in its history. This meant a value of around 24.3 million euros. There are currently 41 companies marketing the product.

22% of the total is sold in Menorca, with 556,223 kilos, and Mallorca and Ibiza account for almost half of the 2.5 million sold: 1,265,087, being the main attraction and differentiating factor of Mahón-Menorca cheese. In total, sales in the Balearic Islands have increased by 8.7%. Catalonia is allocated 13% with 331,585 kilos and the rest of Spain 8%, reaching 207,971 kilos.

Regarding exports, the Mahón-Menorca cheese is present in 46 countries and represents 8% of the total commercialization. During 2023, 199,623 kilos have been distributed, and the United States is the main exporter, by a large margin. The United States receives 124,479 kilos of Menorcan PDO, which represents a high 62.36% of total exports. It is followed by the Dominican Republic with 25,065 kilos and 12.56% of the total and Germany with 10,698 and 5.36%. In fourth and fifth place are the United Kingdom (8,407 kilos) and Mexico (6,261 kilos).

"Even if it seems like a small percentage, we celebrate this 1.75% increase compared to 2022 in terms of commercialization. This sector is very competitive and nowadays, more and more, there are more types of cheeses, varieties and companies. In addition, we have had a decline in the export section due to the lack of international trade agreements and an increase in the local sector. Therefore, we will try to recover this small deficiency this year and have the largest possible numbers", concluded Bosco Triay.

  • Publicitat
    El Iris