The stuffed squid season begins at Es Garbell Restaurant

The stuffed squid season begins at Es Garbell Restaurant
Calamars plens amb monyaco. Es Garbell. Foto: Bep Al·lès©

One of the star dishes on the autumn and winter menu at the Es Garbell Restaurant, in Sa Caleta, is its Menorcan-style baked squid accompanied by sweet potato, which for a couple of years has been masterfully cooked in the small restaurant in the Pons family, and which are one of their star dishes.

Es Garbell recovers traditional recipes, such as these stuffed squid accompanied by sweet potato, among other Menorcan cuisine proposals that you will find on its menu or on the suggestions board.

Aries Street s/n
Sa Caleta Urbanization – Ciutadella
Reservations: (+34) 619 31 55 65
Open weekends

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