Two students from the Balearic Islands will compete for the promise of haute cuisine award at Le Cordon Bleu Madrid

Two students from the Balearic Islands will compete for the promise of haute cuisine award at Le Cordon Bleu Madrid
This Tuesday, Le Cordon Bleu Madrid published the list of the selected young people who will participate in the 12th edition of the Promises of Haute Cuisine Award. Among all the registrations received, the school has selected a total of 50 students to access the next phase of the prestigious national competition.

The students from the Balearic Islands selected are: Julieth Ximena Cartagena Peláez and Javier Alfonso Bravo Pardo, both from Esment Escola Profesional in Palma de Mallorca.

In this second phase, the selected cooking students from 28 schools spread across 21 provinces throughout the territory will compete through video recipes for one of the 10 places in the final. Andalusia with 14 and the Valencian Community, with 7 candidates each, are the Autonomous Communities with the greatest representation in this edition. Other autonomies will also be present in this phase of the contest, such as: Aragon, Asturias, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Galicia, the Canary Islands, La Rioja, Melilla, Murcia, Navarra, and the Basque Country.

The video recipe that will make the difference

The next step will be to make a video recipe of a maximum duration of 5 minutes, with a deadline for delivery of January 17, 2024. Candidates will have to make it following common guidelines set by Le Cordon Bleu, in which all those selected They start with a common base of products. Even so, they will also have the possibility of developing their creativity with freely chosen products if possible from their regions and their knowledge and techniques will be evaluated in the process. All this to have the possibility of standing out and advancing in the competition to become one of the ten finalists selected.

These video recipes will be uploaded to the award’s YouTube channel and in the application starting January 19, in this way the public who wishes will be able to rate their favorite videos. This popular vote will be added to the evaluations of the school’s teachers who will serve as a professional jury to choose the 10 students who will compete in the grand final. The 10 finalists will be announced on February 21 and will compete in person at the school’s headquarters in Madrid in April 2024.

The finalists must present their dish in front of the jury, which in its last edition was chaired by Nacho Manzano, chef with 2 Michelin stars at the Casa Marcial restaurant in Asturias. In previous editions, the jury has been chaired by other celebrities of national gastronomy, such as Jesús Sánchez, Joan Roca, Diego Guerrero, Martín Berasategui or Andoni Luis Aduriz.

Twelve years hand in hand with the young promises of national gastronomy

The Promesas de la haute cuisine Award is a national competition aimed at students under 25 years of age who are currently completing their last year of cooking training in any center in the country and who stand out for their passion and vision of cooking. The competition offers them the opportunity to continue training at Le Cordon Bleu Madrid, through two scholarships awarded to the first two finishers, of €26,000 and €9,500, respectively, to enhance their culinary skills. The organization will also reward the centers’ efforts with a financial aid of €1,500 for the first-place center.

Raúl Campillo, student at CFP La Inmaculada de Granada, was the winner of the last edition of the Promesas Award. The man from Granada managed to conquer the jury chaired by Nacho Manzano, with his interpretation of the dish Free-range chicken in sauce, contisée breast and vegetable tartlet.

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