CLM - The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has highlighted that restaurants located in the smallest villages are not only capable of combining tradition and innovation, “but are also contributing to socio-economic development and the maintenance of the population in the rural areas of the region”. Something that is possible, “thanks to the extraordinary wealth of agro-food production in our region and the work of farmers and ranchers”, as assessed by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, Julián Martínez Lizán, at the presentation of the award-winning restaurants in the IV Edition of the Gastronomic Brooches of the Rural Environment.
“I have often heard you say that Castilla-La Mancha has 18 percent of its GDP in its agri-food sector, and this takes on greater dimension if it is linked to gastronomy, where this 18 percent increases,” said the minister, who in his speech dedicated his first words to making visible the work of the producers, “the first link in gastronomy and generators of raw materials that in Castilla-La Mancha have a great quality, as confirmed by the fact that we have 40 quality figures that include a wide range of different productions, all of which are under the Campo y Alma quality brand. In addition, they are all part of the Mediterranean diet.”
With all these factors, “more and more great chefs want to establish themselves in local circuits, of products that have the possibility of having quality brands and that combine tradition and innovation, which shows that the sector is alive, dynamic and that it does not stop working,” continued Martínez Lizán.
At this event, in which he was accompanied by the president of the Castilian-Manchegan Academy of Gastronomy, José María San Román, its vice-president, Adolfo Muñoz, and the deputy minister of CAP and Agro-environmental Policy, Gracia Canales, the minister stressed that gastronomy and catering promote employment, socio-economic development and establish population. Something that becomes more important when talking about these awards, which are given to restaurants located in towns at risk of depopulation, "in this way they contribute to putting the brakes on to continue keeping rural areas alive."
For all this, the counselor has thanked the Academy of Gastronomy for the creation of this distinction dedicated to the rural environment of Castilla-La Mancha that contributes to encouraging the popularity of restaurants in towns in sparsely populated areas or at risk of depopulation, "which compete to receive this recognition and the proof is that this year there have been 36 that have opted for this recognition, which contribute to making our gastronomic products and quality figures known, and to promoting tourism in the rural environment."
The Gastronomic Brooches 2024
For his part, the president of the Academy, Jose María San Román, has announced the list of award-winning restaurants, chosen unanimously by the members of the Academy among all those who have submitted their candidacy for this fourth edition.
In the province of Albacete, the Gastronomic Brooch will be awarded to the restaurant 'El Segoviano' in Alcadozo. In Ciudad Real, it will be for 'Villa Isabelica', in Aldea del Rey. In the province of Cuenca, this award has been given to ‘La Cabaña de Alarcón’, from the town of Alarcón. In the province of Guadalajara, ‘El Rincón de la Espe’, located in Albalate de Zorita, will be the winner and, finally, in the province of Toledo, the award will be given to the restaurant ‘Sartenilla’ from Las Ventas with Peña Aguilera. The awards will be presented next Monday in Aldea del Rey, with the presence of the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page.
Likewise, at this event, recognition will be given to the town councils of Lezuza, Fernán Caballero, El Provencio, Brihuega and Layos for the dedication shown by their actions and activities to promote local and regional gastronomy. Likewise, express recognition and support will be given to the two towns in the region that have suffered the most damage caused by the DANA, Letur and Mira.
To conclude, the regional minister has expressed the regional government's commitment to the Gastronomic Brooches awarded by the Castilian-Manchegan Academy of Gastronomy, which with its prizes has created "an important network of restaurants, 45 throughout the region, with which we can now make an important route that can keep us practically busy for a whole year, and it is worth noting that the five this year have been chosen unanimously."