We are now a world region of gastronomy

We are now a world region of gastronomy

Francesc Murgadas / AMIC - For the whole year 2025. It was decided and proclaimed since 2023, but now the moment of truth has arrived. The moment to demonstrate, to those who said that the gastronomic fever of some Catalans that we should pay tribute to was a flower of a day, ephemeral like the haze of a gentle carelessness with soda, that those "eccentricities" had a basis and that we just had to find someone to make them a reality.

The program of activities is long and wide. It covers every month of the year and almost all the regions of our Catalan country. Without giving up that those who still have nothing programmed, get on this train that wants to show the world that we have an exceptional cuisine, extraordinary products and a will that all of this will survive over time. For this reason, the choice of the region highlighted at the time the quality of traditional ingredients, the professionalism of farmers, ranchers and chefs, and the commitment to the survival and sustainability of our gastronomy. Without this implying abandoning the possibilities of the future and the participation of technology. That, at the heart of all this “movement”, what lies there is the will to improve the quality of life of our citizens. Changing what time proves to be outdated or dangerous. Adapting what is proven to be improveable, and not only in the aesthetic aspect. By itself or in association with other realities, making possible that mixture that motivated us so much for years. A mixture that we wanted to be generous, granting the contributions the place they deserve and integrating them into our gastronomic reality without belittling them.

Probably, the intensive application of these principles could lead us to a dangerous globalization where it is more difficult to maintain identity, but I think it is worth trying. Without lowering our guard on quality or supporting new things “just because”. We have learned enough about our realities. We must now be able to distinguish what can be an advance or improvement from what is only put into practice “out of obligation”. To be able to say that we are not standing still. Evolution, deep down, has always been a combination of what needs to change and what demands to remain as always.